The birthday dinner that Raleigh made- and he brought roses!

Raleigh's gift. A spa package that he made! I'm impressed.

Raleigh making dinner! :)
So many things have happened in the last week, it's kinda crazy. Today is my birthday, and so on Saturday Raleigh and I went to Disneyland to celebrate. It was a crazy day, not really the best to be honest. We got there, and had to buy a black-out pass (which we've never done), and the lines just to buy tickets were SOOO long. Over an hour just to get into the park!! Then, on the second ride we went on, my iPhone (paid for by the company I work for) got lost on the Indiana Jones ride. Talk about a bad day!! I was so upset, at first not just because it was a phone that I lost, but because it belonged to the company, and I just felt awful. Then, in the next few days to come, I realized how pathetically dependent I am on my phone! Does anyone else feel that way? I didn't know it till I had to go a long time without it. Uhhgg.
Anyway, we made it a good day. Then, tonight (just a while ago!) Raleigh made dinner, and we sat down to a nice meal together in celebration! I am so very thankful for Raleigh, and for everyone that made this day special!