Well, I'm a weekend behind, but that's how life is for us right now. Things have felt so busy that I haven't had time to sit down and let my head stop spinning. Anyway, last weekend my in-laws came into town. We spent the whole weekend with Raleigh's mom and dad, and it was refreshing. On Saturday we went to Joshua Tree National Park, which is what all the pictures are below. Personally, I thought it was interesting, and I appreciated it, but I thought it was really ugly as well. I'm trying to appreciate the desert landscape, but it's really a stretch for me. :)
Regardless, we had a great weekend. Lots of talks, yummy food, and just family time. I can't wait for my family to come down in March..I guess it's still quite a ways away, but it will be great. I'm so thankful for family, and for when they can come down and visit!! Thank you Terry and Karen!

Joshua Tree National Park, in all its beauty. (that was sarcastic)

Arch Rock with Terry and Raleigh.

Just me and a Joshua Tree!