12 weeks of hard work
13,000 runners
13.1 miles, 2hrs. 25mins.
I'm so proud of us! And I kind of can't believe we did it!! Well, I can totally believe Raleigh did it..but it's amazing to think that I did it. I've never been a runner. This was one of those accomplishments I wanted to complete because I thought I'd never do something like this in my life. The race was AWESOME!!!!! It was so fun. Like I said above, there were 13,000 runners so it was absolutely crazy! From the time they blew the buzzer for the start, it was 11 minutes until we actually got to the start line! But oh my word, what ENERGY there was on this run! It was an experience unlike any other. And let me just say, it may sound stupid to say 13.1 but believe me, when I saw the 13 mile marker and realized I STILL HAD MORE TO GO....I was so ready to quit right there! So that last .1 really does matter. :)
I'll tell you a bit about the day, because it really was SO cool. We woke up at about 4:45 and Kristina picked us up to drop us off at the start. We got there and it was just people everywhere. The first 5 or 6 miles felt GREAT. I have never felt better running! We ran through some residential areas and there were people outside just sitting on their patios cheering us on. Way cool. We got to about mile 5 and it was on a bridge where we were running up one side and could see the people ahead of us on the other side. I wish I had my camera because it was amazing. Just a sea of people. Water stations were scattered throughout the run and the volunteers were so organized, encouraging, and efficient. Every port-a-potty station we passed had a line of probably 25-30 people. I felt bad for them 'cause that would take probably at least 10 minutes! We knew Kristina was going to be at mile 9.5 to cheer us on (it was a designated cheering spot) so we looked for her there. Unfortunately RIGHT before that spot was the steepest hill on the course, so I was getting so tired and we were actually walking up the hill. But still it was so good to see her and hear her cheering for us. She took our sweaters and gave us sunglasses.
The last 3 miles or so were the hardest. My body was in pain- ankles, toes, knees, hips, butt, etc. All in pain. I've never had pain in my knees before but by far, right now, that is still what's hurting the worst. I pushed through, and it really was so inspiring to be running WITH so many people and also it was good to be running in an unfamiliar place that I couldn't stop and say, 'we have too far to still go!'. :) 'cause I had no clue. haha. Anyway, to sum this up, the last mile was the worst yet the best. I know, weird. I was hurting so bad but had decided I would NOT stop to walk at this point no matter how hard it was. By this point we were in the fairgrounds area. So many people were cheering us on. It was an amazing feeling. Then we finally made it. :) I'll let the rest of the pictures tell the story!