Friday, October 31, 2008

It doesn't feel like Halloween.

I'm still not used to the desert weather. It's Halloween, and I woke up this morning and it was already 80 degrees out. Today it's supposed to ONLY (haha) get to 91. Ya. This is not fall weather! I know I know, probably a lot of you are thinking, well you are crazy because it's better than the freezing cold and the rain! I miss the rain so badly though, and most of all, I miss seasons. Down here in the desert there are only two seasons: warm, and hot. The fact that tomorrow is November and I still haven't put away my shorts and tank tops is just weird to me! Oh well, I guess this Oregonian blood will not die quickly. :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hey everyone! So I thought Blog posts were just for people with little kids, but, I think I'm going to do one just for us anyway! There are fun, exciting things happening in our life so I will try to keep this updated. :) Right now I'm not going to add any pictures or anything, but I will later.

Ok well that's it! Just wanted to start off my blog. :)