Here we are in front of the Rose Bowl while it's happening inside!!

Raleigh took this picture. Isn't it funny? Looks like I'm going to swallow that semi!

Here I am in the nasty hotel.
So I forgot to add stuff about our drive home! We left on New Year's Eve in the middle of the afternoon and wanted to get to Sacramento. Well, it was getting late and we were getting too tired so we stopped in Redding, CA. We found a Motel 6 and it was cheap, so we decided to just stay there, since it was only for a few hours for us to sleep. The room was probably the worst I'd ever stayed in (experience-wise, too). It smelled like smoke, even though it was non-smoking, we got woken up by drunk girls yelling profanities outside at 2am (since it was New Year's Eve), and the next morning I woke up to Raleigh coming in and telling me that the toilet had just overflowed. We couldn't get out of there fast enough! We survived, but next time we'll think twice about getting the cheapest available place.
On our way home we were driving right through Pasadena as the Rose Bowl was starting. Raleigh is adventurous (me not so much) and wanted to pull off and try to find a parking place then just go walk around. So I went along with it, even though we were just two hours away from home and I just wanted to get back! Somehow, we got into this parking lot right next to the stadium, and we didn't have to pay anything. This was a miracle, since we saw parking for up to $50!! We got to walk around the stadium and could hear the crowd roar and everything. It was invigorating. A good way to end our trip. :) That's about it! We made it home safely that afternoon, despite all travel adventures.