My little Wesley is 2 months old!! He's just as sweet and precious as ever. I love him SO much (especially now that he's sleeping longer in the night...that certainly helps!). I thought I might share the labor story too so here goes.
Thursday morning, January 7th:
2am- wake up with steady constant contractions. 5 minutes apart, walking the halls in the house doesn't make them go away.
7am- I decide 5 hours of this means it's worthy of going to the hospital so we head there.
7:30am- Get checked in and they say I'm 1.5cm, and I need to walk the hall for 2 hours to see if it makes progress.
8am-10am- walk the halls...boring! :)
10am- Get checked. Still 1.5cm so they send us home. At this point contractions are definitely more intense.
noon-6pm- at home enduring contractions...they are getting worse. We picked up the movie Inception to kill time. Yeah...not a good movie to watch while you're in labor...it's already a confusing movie let alone when you are struck with pain every 3 to 4 minutes.
7pm- I decide this is too intense and we need to go back to the hospital.
7:30pm- Get checked in. I'm only 2.5cm!! WHAT?!!!? All that work for only 1cm of progress? I am not happy. :( Because I hadn't made much progress, they sent us home...AGAIN. But this time with a sleeping pill for me. They say to come back when the contractions are "more intense". Hmm....right....
10pm- We get home and I am out. But I only sleep for about 2hrs.
Midnight-5am- I am enduring crazy painful contractions. I can't sleep and I'm also loopy 'cause of this sleeping pill. I'm trying everything...bath, different positions, etc.
5am- I decide this is enough and we have to go back for a 3rd time. If nothing else I need an epidural to take away this pain!
6:30am- We get to the car (I can seriously barely walk at this point) and it's icy out. :( Makes us both pretty nervous.
7am- Arrive at hospital and get checked....I am at 9.5cm!!!! WOAH, I just labored at home the whole time!! I ask if I can still get an epidural and they say yes I definitely can, but that they're going to break my water and then I can begin pushing! So I am OK with that!
8:00am- We are in the delivery room and I begin pushing. I ask the doctor how long she thinks I will have to push. She says 20 minutes. I think to myself, I can't do that! Little did I know....it will be an hour and 20 minutes.....
9:25am- Wesley Adam Willard is born!!!! They hold him up and I see it's a boy and they put him on my stomach. Best feeling EVER. He was so warm and truly, don't call me a bad mother, but truly, I was more happy to be done with labor and pushing out this baby than to have him there. But after about 5 minutes, I was more relieved to have him there. Oh it was just so amazing. Then Raleigh went out into the waiting room to tell our families, and we opened the blinds and it was snowing...ahh. It was a great moment. Oh yeah and then I ordered TONS of food. I've never felt like I burned so many calories as during those 32 hrs of labor.
So here he is now....2 months old. I can't believe it!! We love him so much!